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Companies in every type of industry are hiring people who can convert complex information into clear, concise language for their customers and employees. And they especially value communicators who are savvy in the visual and digital formats preferred by their audiences.

Although your college career will have you writing more than you’ve ever written in your life, most of it won’t prepare you for the specific formats that technical reports, proposals and training manuals require. Attention to detail is critical when writing for science or government, as is writing medical information simple enough for the average person to understand.

在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校, we’ll help you develop your voice to become the best technical writer and editor you can be. We’ll teach you how to research like a journalist, design like an artist and write like a novelist. By the time you graduate, you’ll have the hands-on experience to make an immediate impact in your career.

Benefits of Earning Your Degree at 密歇根州立大学丹佛

Technical Writing Sample Class

密歇根州立大学丹佛 has close associations with Colorado’s aviation, 航空航天, 制造业, health care and technology sectors. Those industries have great need for people expert in technical writing and editing.

职业发展机会 for Our 研究生s

Technical Writing Career Collage: Temperature, Legos, Computers, Book

The median wage for technical writers in the U.S. 是向上的 $70,000 /年. Technical writing jobs are expected to increase by 11 percent by 2026, which is faster than the national average.


请联系 达西啤酒的 for more information about the Technical Writing and Editing program.

Department of 新闻 and 媒体 Production

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