




The 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s 跳舞 Major is distinctive in its versatility and its partnership with 克莱奥帕克罗宾逊舞蹈 (CPRD). CPRD is recognized worldwide for its dynamic cross-cultural curriculum, 社区参与, 创新的编排, 以及美国舞蹈遗产的推广. 在这个激动人心的节目中, CPRD’s mission of social transformation through dance and 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s academic rigor and focus on real world experience converge.

The dance curriculum includes coursework in African dance and drumming, 芭蕾舞, 肚皮舞, 嘻哈, 爵士乐, 现代, 利用, 舞蹈历史与文化, 社区舞蹈练习, 体细胞, 教育学, 即兴创作, 编排, 当代舞蹈和跨学科表演, 舞蹈创业, 运动分析, 舞蹈制作与管理.

这个项目的灵活性非常好, enabling students to tailor their majors according to an area of emphasis that reflects their specific educational and career goals. This flexibility is supported through a generous number of electives that allow students to combine courses from departments across 密歇根州立大学丹佛, 参加额外的舞蹈选修课, and participate in individualized field experience and internship projects that give them hands on experience in preparation for their careers.



The flexibility of the major is coupled with invaluable access to a world-class dance 组织, afforded by the program’s partnership with 克莱奥帕克罗宾逊舞蹈 (CPRD). CPRD is recognized as a leader in its culturally diverse programming and 社区参与, 这在公司的剧目中是显而易见的, the international guest artists that make their way through its facilities, 学生和专业人士在剧院表演, 以及公司在学院所做的工作, 通过公立学校和社区活动. 注重个性化, 高水平体验式学习, 无论是管理领域还是艺术领域, 以及广泛的心肺复苏, 在其他舞蹈节目中是独一无二的吗.

课程, such as Advanced/Professional Company class and MSU 跳舞 Ensemble, in addition to Student Development Grants and Service Learning opportunities in 跳舞 Administration, 教育学, and Community-Based 跳舞 will add to students’ experiential learning opportunities. 在CPRD开设了几个舞蹈项目技术课程. 除了, 学生可以参加专业剧团的排练, 参加实地实习和带薪实习项目, and can earn credit by participating in the International Summer 跳舞 Institute. Students have multiple performance opportunities in the CPRD theatre each year, 包括长者音乐会, 春季的CPRD展示会, 以及密歇根州立大学的舞蹈节目制作. 密歇根州立大学丹佛 also has many performance spaces students have access to through DTAPP, 学生组织的校园舞蹈组织.

多名舞蹈教师是密歇根州立大学丹佛创业奖学金获得者, where they work as part of a cross-disciplinary cohort to develop entrepreneurship curriculum across campus. 在她的书中, 创意跨领域创业,国际知名学者和培训师. Dianne威尔士, defines entrepreneurship as being “creative and innovative in all you do that creates value.” The entrepreneurial focus in the dance program requires students to put Welsh’s definition into action each day, enhancing their abilities to utilize their skill sets and create opportunities for themselves to thrive as leaders and valuable contributors to their communities through arts-based entrepreneurship.



跳舞 training develops transferable skills such as critical and entrepreneurial thinking, 创造性地解决问题, 合作的团队精神, 组织, 纪律, 时间管理, 表达能力和韧性. The dance major will prepare students to undertake a variety of careers, undergo professional training in the pursuit of specific dance-related or therapeutic careers, 或者继续在研究生院学习.


  • 专业舞蹈团艺术总监
  • 舞团排演总监
  • 编排
  • 表演者


  • Professor of 跳舞 (Requires a Master’s degree or PHD in 跳舞)
  • 舞蹈教育家
  • 舞蹈外展协调员


  • 非牟利艺术机构的创办人及/或总监
  • 舞蹈工作室老板
  • 舞蹈教育协调员/舞蹈学校主任
  • 舞团业务经理
  • 社区剧院或艺术中心经理
  • 资助作家/筹款人/艺术组织财务
  • 预订/旅游管理器
  • 公共关系协调员/市场经理
  • 艺术公司网页设计/社交媒体管理
  • 发展总监
  • 人才协调员/艺人经理
  • 舞蹈工作坊/艺术节总监
  • Special 事件 Planner for a 跳舞 Company or Arts Organization
  • 票房经理
  • 法律(与艺术、知识产权或娱乐有关)
  • 艺术委员会/文化团体


  • 舞蹈作家/评论/编辑
  • 跳舞 Notator (Requires training in Labanotation or Benesh Movement Notation)
  • 舞蹈的摄影师
  • 电视录像制作人跳舞
  • 舞蹈历史学家和/或作家
  • 舞蹈档案管理员


  • 生产经理
  • 舞台监督
  • 前厅经理
  • 舞台工作人员
  • 灯光设计师
  • 技术总监
  • 服装设计师
  • 舞蹈技师(摄影、录像 & 声音剪辑、投影设计等.)


  • 舞蹈治疗师(需要研究生学习)
  • 按摩治疗师(需要额外的培训和执照)
  • Personal Trainer (Requires additional training and certification)
  • Group Fitness Instructor (Requires additional training and certification)
  • Yoga/Pilates/Gyrotonics Instructor (Requires additional training and certification)
  • 身体从业者-亚历山大技术, Feldnekrais, 斯金纳释放法, 克莱恩技术, 拉班运动分析, Barteneiff基本面, 等. (都需要额外的培训和认证)


  • MFA(编舞,表演)
  • MA or PHD (dance therapy, dance history, dance education, dance scholarship)

Some students choose professional programs such as law or business, 通常与艺术有关, 等.




莱斯利美林 is a Co-Coordinator of the 跳舞 Program and has been teaching dance for over 20 years. She holds an MFA in 跳舞 from the University of Colorado and has performed professionally and presented her choreographic and video work nationally and internationally in places such as British Columbia, 墨西哥, 和德国.



妮可Predki是舞蹈项目的联合协调员. Nicole teaches because she believes that everyone can dance and create and strives to give students the confidence and tools to do both. She has an MFA in dance from the University of Colorado Boulder with a focus in 体细胞 and multidisciplinary performance and graduated with a B.S. 纽约哥伦比亚大学环境科学专业.


跳舞 faculty have been presented with Community Engagement Awards and selected as Entrepreneurial Fellows through 密歇根州立大学丹佛. 舞蹈学生组织, DTAPP, has received generous student travel funding to attend multiple American College 跳舞 Festival conferences, and has been nominated for various student involvement and leadership awards.

Cleo Parker Robinson has won numerous awards, including 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s Dr. 马丁·路德·金. 和平奖, 科罗拉多州州长优秀奖, 丹佛市市长奖, 肯尼迪中心荣誉勋章, NEWSED民权奖, 和国王M. Trimble Community Award for service to the 丹佛 community, among many others. 她是2017年美国舞蹈奖的获奖者, and has also been inducted into the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame and the Blacks in Colorado Hall of Fame.


密歇根州立大学丹佛 跳舞 students are working or have worked in the field in the following capacities:

  • 科罗拉多芭蕾舞团员工
  • 迪斯尼的表演者
  • 舞蹈工作室老板
  • After-school dance instructor at a public school serving primarily refugees
  • 私人舞蹈工作室的教练
  • 与像堂吉诃德这样的专业公司合作
  • 编排s, rehearsal directors, and dance captains for various theatrical productions
  • 科罗拉多州一所特许学校的舞蹈和戏剧老师
  • Sharing the healing power of dance with women in prison through 跳舞 2B Free


